Hey animals!!!!!
Well as you all know, woozworld is infested with ZOMBIES! Woozens are "infecting" each other by being more than tree steps away! But, Today, Woozworld make a CUREEEE YAAAAAA.AS. Okay, so the cure OF COURSE has to be bought with real money which really sucks, but you know. What else is woozworld gonna do? Give it to us free? Yeah right. Anyways, The cure has to be bought with real money and so woozens are complaining, you know, the usual, typical woozworld vs woozens. Also, they brought back that zombie outfit thing, I think the shorts are kinda cute but everything else is like, ew. well, OUR BLOG IS BACK SO UM YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY. If we have fans, I'd love to see our blog name on your woozen's status <3 That would be like legit bruh. c; Till next time, Lily out.
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