Cat Paw Print

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Our Progress On Meet and Greet!

Hey animals! So last night we made tons of progress with the meet and greet, and sorting out our differences. We had four fans, that won t-shirts last night, so congrats to them for answering questions correctly!!! ^.^ And here's the pictures.

Of course we took some as a group ^.^ 
And we were on hot now! So thank you supporters!!! So, maybe next time, we'll allow you guys to ask us whatever you want, and we'll have tons more fun. Ya'll got so excited when I started asking questions, some were upset that the t-shirts ran out :( But, we'll be having fund raisers!!! To purchase these t-shirts!!!! Also, someone did ask me a few questions, like how did I come up with the zoo thing, and why the t-shirts, etc. But! We'll have more questions sooner or later? :D  It was our first public speaking. Other blogs, came in, and hated on us too. Someone even made a name called AngryBlogger, and well, we just ignored them, while our fans enjoyed our game, time, and free t-shirts. xDD So, hope you guys come out again real soon! There will not be one tonight!! But, we'll post during the day, if there's one later on in the night on any specific date. SO! We'll be giving out more t-shirts this time! And asking more questions! HOPE YA'LL ARE READY! Can't wait to see you guys again!!! thanks so much for the support and showing up, see you real soon! 

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